Kebaikan Dimulai dari Kamu!
Kebaikan untuk bikin transaksi keuangan jadi mudah, dimulai dari kamu! Yuk, bergabung ke Aladin dan jadi bagian dari bank syariah masa depan.
Dengan lingkungan kerja yang seru dan kolaboratif, menyebarkan akses bank digital dengan prinsip syariah jadi makin menyenangkan!

Let's Build Together the World of Indonesian Islamic Banking!
It's time to plan your future at Aladin Bank. Together with people coming from various backgrounds, you will feel the excitement of contributing to realizing a sharia-based digital bank.
Check out our jobs available, and join Aladin Bank!
Aladin's Values
Ditopang dengan tiga nilai inti, bersama-sama memperkuat ekosistem keuangan syariah yang bermanfaat untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat.
Tulus membantu baik untuk sesama Aladiners maupun kepada masyarakat

Setiap proses dan produk oleh Aladin dibangun dengan baik dan berkelanjutan

Aladin menjadi tempat belajar dan berkembang bersama
We are all work-in-progress: no one knows everything, no can do anything on alone.
Do things we are proud of and don’t mind if we come up on the frontpage news!
What It's Like to Work at Aladin
An Organization for All
We value the happiness and well-being of our people who work and collaborate to bring our vision and mission to life. We also ancourage inclusivity within Aladin Bank.
Transparancy at Work
We cultivate transparency in the workplace. Openness in various matters builds relationships and a collaborative work culture, and everyone at Aladin Bank can get easy access to information.
Building Indonesia's Leading Islamic Banking
Aladin Bank continues to innovate in building, and developing Islamic banking in Indonesia to be the foremost pioneers in implementing sharia principles and mobilizing financial investment.
What They Say
Aladin is not only giving me a chance to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds but also helping me to boost my productivity through a flexible working arrangement
Working here in Aladin Bank, I continue meeting new fellow dreamers and doers. Coming from different backgrounds we put Universalism first. We embraced one another with all of our differences, with the same goal: to make Sharia Banking easily accessible by everyone who has been striving to do banking with peace of mind without compromising our ethical values.
It has been a wonderful career journey with Aladin. I was heard and supported from day 1 by amazing and highly dedicated people with diverse backgrounds from technology, banks, and financial institutions. There's a unique experience here where conventional bank meets technology that makes it thrilling to work here!
Building a digital bank that is guided by noble Islamic values, Leveraging tech to transform and engage more people & businesses to grow. Count me in!