Ala Berbagi

Do Good Anywhere, Anytime

Conveniently Spread Kindness and Share With Others in Need

We can always do good and help the others from anywhere, anytime, and with any amount to reliable donation partners, that align with sharia values!

Agar bisa terus rutin berbagi kebaikan, kamu juga bisa jadwalkan secara bulanan, mingguan, atau harian  untuk berdonasi.

The Favors of Spreading Kindness with Aladin

Donate Directly Through
Your Smartphone

It's easy to carry out your responsibility in sharing with people in need using Aladin application.

Trusted Donation Partners

All forms of donation that you give will be channeled to the trusted donation partners.

Free of Admin Fees

Make donation through Aladin app
free of admin fee.

Simple Ways to Donate with Aladin

Let's follow these steps for a faster and easier donation process!

Mengaktifkan Transaksi Rutin Lewat Riwayat Transaksi

Rutin berbagi kebaikan dengan mengaktifkan Transaksi Rutin

See more our terms and conditions here.

Find information of Aladin's fees and charges here.

Why Sharia?

Find out the comfort of applying sharia principle in your finance management!

Donation made easy within your grasp.

Wujudkan impian buah hati dengan Ala Gen, tabungan untuk anak dari Aladin.

Transaksi yang simpel dan bebas repot lewat handphone kamu!


Donation Feature is available in the Aladin Android version and can be found on the Aladin app homepage, under Ala Berbagi menu.

Right now, Aladin app has several donation programs in the form of Zakat (Mal, Profession, Fitrah), Infaq, Waqf, and Qurban.

On the Aladin homepage, under the Ala Berbagi menu, you can choose the donation program that you want. Once you choose a donation program, you can pick which donation institution that will be trusted to channel your donation. Next, enter the amount of donation you want to give and you can complete the transaction by entering the correct Aladin app PIN.

There are no additional fees when making a donation in the Aladin app.

Any deduction fee is determined and adjusted by each institution that works with Aladin. However, we'll make sure that every institution follows the government's policy to not deduct more than 12.5% per transaction.

Don't worry, you just need to wait for the transaction process to complete. While waiting, you could check your Donation History page which can be accessed via the upper right corner icon under Ala Berbagi menu. Once the institution has processed your donation, your transaction status will automatically update.

If your status is still 'In-Process' within 2x24 hours (working days) after you make a donation, you can contact Aladin Bank customer service to request for assistance and check on your transaction status.

If your transaction status has failed, Aladin Bank will refund your funds back to your account.

As long as your donation transaction status is still 'In-Process' and is still not complete, you can not apply for refund or transaction cancellation.

You can see all the donations you've made on the Aladin app in the History section under the Ala Berbagi menu. For more detailed information on certain donations, you can simply tap/click on any transaction from the Ala Berbagi History list.