
Prioritizing safety and service to travelers, Bank Aladin Syariah together with Baznas established Homecoming Alert Posts at a number of Mudik Route Points

Mengedepankan Keselamatan dan Pelayanan kepada para Pemudik, Bank Aladin Syariah bersama Baznas dirikan Pos Siaga Mudik di Sejumlah Titik Jalur Mudik

On Monday April 17 2023, Bank Aladin Syariah supports the Baznas program to provide services to travelers who are traveling to their hometowns by establishing a number of Mudik Alert Posts spread across 20 location points.

This program enlivens the month of Ramadan as a month of awakening and blessing and revives the nature of generosity as one of the sunnahs of the Prophet in this holy month. The phenomenon of going home itself is indeed very close to Indonesian society where travelers return to their hometowns to gather with family and relatives, which is also to strengthen the ties of Islamic ukhuwah among Muslims. With the homecoming post service provided by Baznas at 20 points along the island of Java via the north and south routes, Bank Aladin Syariah hopes to help travelers so that they are always healthy, travel safe and can celebrate Eid in their hometown in peace and comfort.

This program is also in accordance with our values, vision and mission as the first Islamic digital bank in Indonesia, namely to help, build and grow together to strengthen the sharia ecosystem that benefits all levels of society in Indonesia. This event was attended by Mayang Ekaputri as Director of Bank Aladin Syariah together with Noor Achmad as Chairman of BAZNAS.



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